Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Android Edittext Multiple Lines Example

Hint about the first line hint about the second line hint about the third line i tried using android:hint="@string/hints" on the edittext with the following in strings.xml, but the hint was still on a single line.. I am having a (?simple?) problem with edittext. whenever i type in it, the text stays in the same line even when i get to the edge of the screen instead of creating a new line.. I am new to android development and i have a question about setting weight in a linear layout. i am trying to create a row with two custom buttons and a custom edit text..

About lars vogel lars vogel is the founder and ceo of the vogella gmbh and works as eclipse and android consultant, trainer and book author. he is a regular speaker at international conferences, he is the primary author of vogella.com.. How to create an edittext that can get multiple lines input from user. in this tutorial we are converting a single line edittext into multiline edittext with the use of setinputtype(inputtype.type_class_text | inputtype.type_text_flag_multi_line) function with its parameters in mainactivity.java programming file.. Overview. the edittext is the standard text entry widget in android apps. if the user needs to enter text into an app, this is the primary way for them to do that. there are many important properties that can be set to customize the behavior of an edittext.several of these are listed below..

android edittext multiple lines example

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