Ninja hattori-kun, known as ninja hattori in some countries, is a manga series created by fujiko fujio a, later adapted into a television drama, a 1981 anime series, a video game and a live-action movie. I created this video with the youtube video ninja hattori cartoon in urdu/hindi new episode | kanichi shooting ninja techniques subscribe my channel to get more videos and share this video thanks. Children popular cartoon ninja hattori in hindi new episodes 2015. 5:15. children popular cartoon ninja hattori in hindi new episodes 2015. 4:05. ninja hatori episodes full -hd hindi cartoon. 3 years ago 150.3k views. all time best. follow. ninja hattori in hindi - new full episodes nick tv 2014-2015 in hd..
11-year-old kenichi mitsuba is an average kid who goes to secondary school and struggles with his studies, he is very stubborn and is very lazy and therefore. This is a list of ninja hattori-kun episodes, both the 1981 anime and the 2012 anime, including the indian dub (english, tamil, telugu and hindi) episode titles in english. all dub episodes of the 1981 anime are 18 minutes long and consist of 2 or 3 japanese episodes.. Ninja hattori in hindi new episode 2016 pt 102. ninja cartoon / comedy. length: 4:17 quick view. 2,241,125. related videos. now you can download songs, movies, episodes, trailers, clips or any youtube video without visitng the youtube site with hassle free controls and beautiful responsive ui. currently it supports 55 formats of video.